Timmy Mckeegan

Founder and CEO of Investing For Kids By Kids.


Hello, my name is Timmy M, and I’m the founder of Investing For Kids By Kids. I founded Investing For Kids By Kids with the goal of teaching kids and teens how to invest in stocks and cryptocurrencies. I bought my first stock – Verizon – after a friend told me about the stock market. I was eight years old then and didn’t know much about stocks. I had the original idea of writing a book, but then my parents advised me that it would probably be a better idea to start a business. I started by creating a presentation, then a blog, then a podcast, and now I have courses.

I built the entire website and business entirely by myself. I had worked on other projects in web design, but taking on something like this was an incredible learning experience. I learned SEO, HTML, CSS, web design, WordPress, and more. Meanwhile, my parents were teaching me lessons in marketing and sales. My parents are both entrepreneurs, and the founders of Greenback Expat Tax Services. They’ve taught me a lot of what I know about business and investing.

When people ask me where I’m from, it is a difficult question that takes a little while to explain. My family is always traveling and moving around. My parents were born in the United States but left there in 2002. My mom also spent 6 years in Mexico when she was a kid. I was born in Chelsea, England, but we moved to Bali, Indonesia a few months later, then we went to Argentine where my brother was born, and then we went back to Bali. My other brother was born in New York, but we lived in Bali at the time. Then we moved to Costa Rica, where I am now. I’m a major traveler as well, and I’ve been to 27 countries.

My hobbies are investing, building websites (I built another blog, called Blogsapien), surfing, soccer, and biking. I enjoy spending time with my brothers, friends, and family.

Some of his other projects include:


Timmy is available to answer your burning questions about investing. You can email him at Timmy.investingforkidsbykids@gmail.com or write a message in the box below.